.jpg)
1.
"White
marble
always
exudes
an
ethereal
beauty
that
transcends
time
and
space.
"
【美丽的白色大理石总是流露出超越时间和空间的灵魂之美。
】
2.
"The
intricate
veins
and
patterns
on
white
marble
are
like
an
art
installation
crafted
by
nature
itself.
"
【白色大理石纹理繁复的花纹和色彩就像大自然自己创造的艺术品。
】
3.
"When
the
light
hits
white
marble,
it
illuminates
every
corner
of
the
room
with
a
gentle
glow
that
is
unmatched.
"
【当光线照射在白色大理石上时,它会用无与伦比的柔和光芒照亮房间的每一个角落。
】
4.
"The
timeless
beauty
of
white
marble
is
a
testament
to
the
enduring
power
of
nature's
creativity.
"
【白色大理石的永恒美丽是大自然创造力的证明。
】
5.
"The
smooth
texture
and
coolness
of
white
marble
make
it
a
natural
favorite
among
architects
and
interior
designers
worldwide.
"
【白色大理石柔滑的质感和凉爽的感觉,使它成为全世界建筑师和室内设计师的自然之选。
】
6.
"White
marble
is
like
an
artist's
canvas
waiting
to
be
brought
to
life
with
the
right
brushstrokes.
"
【白色大理石就像等待着用合适的画笔来赋予生命的艺术家的画布。
】
7.
"The
purity
and
simplicity
of
white
marble
make
it
a
symbol
of
elegance
and
sophistication.
"
【白色大理石的纯洁和简约使其成为优雅和高雅的象征。
】
8.
"White
marble
is
not
just
a
natural
wonder,
but
a
canvas
of
emotions
waiting
to
be
explored.
"
【白色大理石不仅是自然奇观,而且是一个等待探索情感的画布。
】
9.
"The
polished
surface
of
white
marble
reflects
the
beauty
of
its
surroundings,
creating
a
mesmerizing
illusion
of
infinite
space.
"
【白色大理石抛光的表面反射周围的美丽,营造出一个令人着迷的无限空间的幻觉。
】
10.
"White
marble
is
the
embodiment
of
purity,
innocence
and
beauty,
all
rolled
into
one.
"
【白色大理石集纯洁、无邪和美丽于一身。
】
11.
"The
grains
and
patterns
on
white
marble
tell
the
story
of
millions
of
years
of
geological
history
and
natural
wonders.
"
【白色大理石上的纹理和花纹讲述着数百万年地质历史和自然奇观的故事。
】
12.
"The
sophistication
and
timeless
appeal
of
white
marble
make
it
a
must-have
in
any
designer's
arsenal
of
materials.
"
【白色大理石的高雅和永恒魅力使其成为任何设计师必备的材料之一。
】
13.
"White
marble
is
like
a
blank
slate
waiting
for
the
strokes
of
inspiration
to
bring
it
to
life.
"
【白色大理石就像等待创意笔触来给它生命的空白画布。
】
14.
"The
ethereal
beauty
of
white
marble
can
transform
any
space
into
a
sanctuary
of
peace
and
tranquility.
"
【白色大理石的灵魂之美可以将任何空间变成和平和宁静的避难所。
】
15.
"The
purity
and
elegance
of
white
marble
can
elevate
any
architectural
design
from
mundane
to
extraordinary.
"
【白色大理石的纯洁和优雅可以将任何建筑设计从平凡到非凡提升。
】
16.
"White
marble
is
like
a
snowflake,
unique
and
delicate,
yet
powerful
and
enduring.
"
【白色大理石就像雪花一样独特而精致,同时又有强大而持久的力量。
】
17.
"The
cool,
smooth
surface
of
white
marble
is
like
a
balm
for
the
senses,
creating
a
soothing
and
calming
effect
on
the
mind.
"
【白色大理石凉爽而光滑的表面就像舒缓感官的镇静剂,给大脑带来平静和放松的效果。
】
18.
"The
beauty
and
durability
of
white
marble
have
been
revered
by
artists
and
architects
since
ancient
times.
"
【自古以来,白色大理石的美丽和耐久性就受到艺术家和建筑师的崇敬。
】
19.
"The
timeless
beauty
of
white
marble
has
graced
the
halls
of
palaces
and
temples,
inspiring
admiration
and
awe
in
all
who
behold
it.
"
【白色大理石的永恒美丽曾经装点皇宫和寺庙的大厅,激发着所有观看它的人们的敬仰和畏惧。
】
20.
"A
block
of
white
marble
is
a
masterpiece
waiting
to
be
revealed
by
the
skilled
hands
of
a
sculptor,
creating
a
work
of
art
that
will
stand
the
test
of
time.
"
【一块白色大理石是一件等待熟练雕刻家的巧手揭开的杰作,创造出一件经受时间考验的艺术品。
】
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