1.
"Our
paths
may
diverge,
but
let’s
remember
that
they
will
cross
again
one
day.
"
【美好的相见】
2.
"As
time
flies
by,
look
forward
to
the
day
when
we
can
reunite
and
relive
the
memories
we've
created.
"
【期待与相见】
3.
"Distance
may
keep
us
apart,
but
our
love
will
bring
us
back
together
one
day.
"
【爱让我们相聚】
4.
"I'll
cherish
our
time
together,
and
look
forward
to
our
future
reunion.
"
【珍惜相聚的美好时光】
5.
"The
hope
of
one
day
being
reunited
keeps
me
going
through
the
loneliest
of
days.
"
【希望与相见为伴】
6.
"Goodbyes
are
always
hard,
but
the
thought
of
meeting
again
someday
makes
it
easier.
"
【再见不是结束,相见才是开始】
7.
"I
believe
that
one
day,
our
paths
will
align
once
more,
and
we'll
be
reunited
in
each
other's
arms.
"
【美好的相见,刻骨铭心的拥抱】
8.
"Our
love
will
stand
the
test
of
time,
and
look
forward
to
the
day
when
we
can
be
together
again.
"
【爱的坚定与美好的未来】
9.
"Although
we
may
be
separated
now,
know
that
you
hold
a
special
place
in
my
heart,
and
can't
wait
to
see
you
again.
"
【心中特殊的你,期待再次相见】
10.
"The
thought
of
one
day
seeing
you
again
keeps
me
going,
through
the
hardships
and
the
pain.
"
【相见的希望,让我们坚强前行】
11.
"I'll
always
be
eternally
grateful
for
the
time
we
spent
together,
and
eagerly
anticipate
our
future
reunion.
"
【感恩美好的回忆,期待未来的相聚】
12.
"Although
we
may
be
separated
geographically,
our
hearts
beat
together
in
perfect
harmony,
and
long
for
our
reunion.
"
【心灵相通,期待重逢】
13.
"Time
may
keep
ticking
away,
but
the
joy
of
seeing
you
again
keeps
my
heart
beating
strong.
"
【时间在流逝,相见的喜悦长存】
14.
"I'll
keep
the
memories
of
our
time
together
close
to
my
heart,
and
eagerly
await
the
day
when
we
can
create
new
ones.
"
【珍惜回忆,期待新的相聚】
15.
"Our
paths
may
take
us
in
different
directions
for
now,
but
our
love
will
always
guide
us
back
to
each
other.
"
【爱为回归指路】
16.
"Our
separation
is
merely
a
temporary
obstacle,
and
I'm
confident
that
we'll
be
reunited
before
too
long.
"
【分离只是短暂的障碍,相聚是早晚的事】
17.
"Although
it
may
be
a
while
before
we
see
each
other
again,
the
anticipation
of
our
reunion
fills
me
with
hope
and
joy.
"
【相聚的希望,让我们充满喜悦】
18.
"Our
bond
is
unbreakable,
and
know
that
we'll
be
back
in
each
other's
company
soon
enough.
"
【情缘不灭,相聚有期】
19.
"I'll
never
forget
the
moments
we
spent
together,
and
eagerly
anticipate
our
next
meeting,
when
we
can
create
even
more.
"
【珍藏回忆,期待更多的相聚】
20.
"Our
lives
may
be
taking
us
in
different
directions,
but
I'm
confident
that
our
paths
will
cross
again
at
just
the
right
moment.
"
【生活不同,相见时刻定会错过】
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