1.
“Sometimes
the
strongest
people
are
the
ones
who
love
beyond
all
faults,
cry
behind
closed
doors,
and
fight
battles
that
nobody
knows
about.
”
【#LonelyHeart】
2.
“I
wish
could
go
back
to
the
day
met
you,
and
just
walk
away.
Because
honestly,
it
would've
saved
me
so
much
hurt
and
pain.
”
【#SorrowfulMind】
3.
“The
hardest
thing
is
to
hurt
yourself
for
the
sake
of
others’
happiness.
”
【#PainedSoul】
4.
“Don’t
trust
too
much.
Don’t
love
too
much.
Don’t
hope
too
much,
because
that
‘too
much’
can
hurt
you
so
much.
”
【#EmotionalWounds】
5.
“Sometimes
memories
sneak
out
from
my
eyes
and
roll
down
my
cheeks.
”
【#MemoriesOfLove】
6.
“The
worst
feeling
is
not
being
lonely;
it’s
being
forgotten
by
someone
you
could
never
forget.
”
【#AbandonedHeart】
7.
“It’s
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
”
【#UnforgettableLove】
8.
“The
sad
truth
is
that
opportunity
doesn’t
knock
twice.
You
can
put
things
back
together
as
many
times
as
you
want,
but
the
pieces
will
never
be
the
same
as
the
original.
”
【#LostOpportunities】
9.
“The
past
cannot
be
changed,
forgotten,
or
erased.
It
can
only
be
accepted.
”
【#AcceptanceOfThePast】
10.
“I’d
rather
be
alone
than
to
be
with
someone
who
makes
me
feel
lonely.
”
【#LonelinessInLove】
11.
“It’s
amazing
how
someone
can
break
your
heart,
but
you
still
love
them
with
all
the
little
pieces.
”
【#BrokenHearted】
12.
“The
greater
your
capacity
to
love,
the
greater
your
capacity
to
feel
the
pain.
”
【#LoveBringsPain】
13.
“It’s
sad
when
someone
you
know
becomes
someone
you
knew.
”
【#LostConnections】
14.
“It’s
funny
how
the
people
who
hurt
you
the
most
are
the
ones
who
swore
they
never
would.
”
【#BrokenPromises】
15.
“You
can’t
change
how
people
feel
about
you,
so
don’t
try.
Just
live
your
life
and
be
happy.
”
【#HappinessIsKey】
16.
“The
people
who
are
meant
to
be
in
your
life
will
always
gravitate
back
towards
you,
no
matter
how
far
they
wander.
”
【#LifeConnections】
17.
“Letting
go
is
hard,
but
sometimes
holding
on
is
harder.
”
【#LettingGoOfLove】
18.
“Sometimes
the
only
closure
you
need
is
the
understanding
that
you
deserve
better.
”
【#DeservingBetter】
19.
“Pain
is
inevitable,
suffering
is
optional.
”
【#ChooseHappiness】
20.
“Don’t
be
afraid
of
being
alone.
The
world
is
full
of
people,
but
not
all
of
them
are
meant
to
stay
in
your
life
forever.
”
【#EmbraceBeingAlone】
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