1.
Amor
vincit
omnia.
【Love
conquers
all.
】
2.
Caritas
est
patientis.
【Love
is
patient.
】
3.
In
omnia
vincit
amor.
【Love
conquers
all
things.
】
4.
Sic
amor
est
vita.
【Thus,
love
is
life.
】
5.
Amor
et
melle
et
felle
est
fecundissimus.
【Love
is
most
fertile
when
blended
with
honey
and
gall.
】
6.
Nihil
est
carius
vita
amante
dulci.
【Nothing
is
sweeter
in
life
than
a
beloved.
】
7.
Voluptas
est
amoris
fructus.
【Pleasure
is
the
fruit
of
love.
】
8.
Amor
est
poema
universae
vitae.
【Love
is
the
universal
poem
of
life.
】
9.
Amor
est
suavissima
solace
animae.
【Love
is
the
sweetest
comfort
of
the
soul.
】
10.
Omnia
bona
veniunt
ab
amore.
【All
good
things
come
from
love.
】
11.
Amor
est
fons
vitae.
【Love
is
the
source
of
life.
】
12.
Amor
et
misericordia
sunt
Dei
dona.
【Love
and
mercy
are
gifts
of
God.
】
13.
Malum
est
non
amare.
【It
is
a
misfortune
not
to
love.
】
14.
Caritas
est
fundamentum
totius
vitae.
【Love
is
the
foundation
of
life.
】
15.
Amor
est
aeternus.
【Love
is
eternal.
】
16.
Amor
est
arcanum
vitae.
【Love
is
the
secret
of
life.
】
17.
Caritas
est
anima
mundi.
【Love
is
the
soul
of
the
world.
】
18.
Amor
non
quaerit
quid
beneficium
facere
possit,
sed
quid
facere
possit
est.
【Love
does
not
seek
to
do
good,
but
is
good
by
nature.
】
19.
Lascivia,
non
amor,
peccatum
est.
【Lust,
not
love,
is
sinful.
】
20.
Vita
est
amoris
hora.
【Life
is
but
a
passing
hour
of
love.
】
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