.jpg)
1.
"Think
before
you
post"
-
this
simple
rule
can
help
save
you
from
a
ton
of
regrets
in
the
future.
【思考后再发布】
2.
Your
social
media
profile
is
a
representation
of
who
you
are,
so
be
wise
about
what
you
share.
【社交媒体档案是你的代表,所以谨慎地分享】
3.
In
today's
digital
age,
once
something
is
posted,
it's
hard
to
take
it
back.
【在今天的数字时代,发布的消息很难取消】
4.
Always
remember
that
your
words
and
actions
online
can
have
consequences
in
real
life.
【请记住,您在网上的言行会对现实生活产生影响】
5.
Before
hitting
the
'send'
button,
ask
yourself
if
what
you're
sharing
is
appropriate
and
necessary.
【在点击“发送”按钮之前,请问问自己发布的信息是否合适,是否必要】
6.
Don't
let
a
moment
of
emotion
make
you
do
something
you'll
regret
later.
【不要被情绪支配,以至于会后悔】
7.
Social
media
is
not
a
place
to
air
out
your
dirty
laundry.
Keep
personal
disputes
offline.
【社交媒体不是公开自己的骂战场所,请不要将个人纠纷带入网上】
8.
If
you
wouldn't
say
it
in
person,
don't
say
it
online.
【如果你在现实中不会说这个,那就不要在网上说】
9.
Respect
others'
privacy
and
don't
share
information
that's
not
yours
to
share.
【尊重他人的隐私,不要分享没有得到授权的信息】
10.
Remember
that
your
reputation
can
easily
be
tarnished
online,
so
think
twice
before
posting.
【请记住,您的网络声誉很容易受到损伤,所以发布前三思】
11.
Be
mindful
of
the
images
you
post,
as
they
can
have
a
lasting
impact
on
how
others
perceive
you.
【注意您发布的图片,因为它们对别人对你的看法有持久的影响】
12.
Think
about
the
message
you're
sending
with
each
post,
and
make
sure
it
aligns
with
your
values.
【想想每个信息你要传达什么,确保它符合你的价值观】
13.
Don't
fall
prey
to
the
pressure
of
keeping
up
with
social
media
trends
-
it's
okay
to
take
a
break.
【不要被社交媒体潮流的压力所影响,如果需要,放松一下也是可以的】
14.
Stay
away
from
controversial
topics
in
your
posts
to
avoid
offending
or
creating
unnecessary
arguments.
【避免在信息中涉及争议性话题,以免引起恼火或制造不必要的争论】
15.
Always
fact-check
before
reposting
information
to
avoid
spreading
fake
news.
【在转发信息前,请事先核实确保信息真实可靠】
16.
Keep
in
mind
that
what
you
share
online
can
potentially
be
seen
by
anyone
in
the
world.
【请记住,你在网上分享的内容有可能被世界上的任何人看到】
17.
Make
sure
your
posts
aren't
offensive
or
discriminatory
towards
any
group
of
people.
【确保您的发布不会冒犯或歧视任何群体】
18.
Don't
use
social
media
to
vent
about
your
problems
-
seek
confidential
support
instead.
【不要用社交媒体倾诉你的问题,选择寻求私人支持】
19.
Remember
that
social
media
is
just
a
glimpse
into
people's
lives
and
not
who
they
fully
are.
【请记住,社交媒体只是人们生活的一小部分而不是他们的全部】
20.
Ultimately,
be
authentic
and
true
to
yourself
through
your
posts,
rather
than
trying
to
create
an
image
that
isn't
real.
【最终,请坦诚自己,真实地传达自己的信息,而不是制造虚幻的形象】
本文内容来自互联网,若需转载请注明:https://www.8889991234.com/gBlxWvN6oNSV.html