.jpg)
1.
"Perfection
is
not
just
a
goal,
it's
a
way
of
life
that
requires
constant
pursuit.
"
【追求完美不仅是目标,更是一种需要不断追求的生活方式。
】
2.
"Life
is
too
short
to
settle
for
anything
less
than
perfection.
"
【人生太短暂,不要将就于任何不完美的事物。
】
3.
"The
pursuit
of
perfection
may
be
endless,
but
the
rewards
are
immeasurable.
"
【追求完美可能是无止境的,但奖励是无法衡量的。
】
4.
"Perfection
may
be
unattainable,
but
the
journey
towards
it
makes
life
worth
living.
"
【完美可能是无法达到的,但追求它的旅程使生命变得有价值。
】
5.
"Perfection
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
journey,
and
the
journey
never
ends.
"
【完美不是终点,而是旅程,旅程永远不会结束。
】
6.
"Strive
for
perfection
in
everything
you
do,
and
you'll
never
be
disappointed
with
the
results.
"
【在做任何事情时都要追求完美,这样你就不会对结果感到失望。
】
7.
"Perfection
is
not
a
flaw,
it's
a
quality
that
sets
us
apart
from
the
rest.
"
【完美不是一个缺点,而是一种让我们与众不同的品质。
】
8.
"Perfection
lies
not
in
the
end
result,
but
in
the
journey
towards
it.
"
【完美不在于最终结果,而是在追求它的旅程中。
】
9.
"By
setting
high
standards
for
ourselves,
we
push
ourselves
to
achieve
greatness
and
reach
for
perfection.
"
【通过为自己设定高标准,我们推动自己实现伟大,并追求完美。
】
10.
"Perfection
is
not
a
state
of
being,
it's
a
continual
process
of
improvement
and
refinement.
"
【完美不是一种存在状态,而是持续改进和提炼的过程。
】
11.
"If
you
want
to
achieve
perfection,
you
must
be
willing
to
put
in
the
extra
effort
and
strive
for
excellence
every
day.
"
【如果你想达到完美,你必须愿意付出额外的努力,每天追求卓越。
】
12.
"The
pursuit
of
perfection
requires
discipline,
focus,
and
a
willingness
to
learn
from
failure.
"
【追求完美需要纪律、专注和从失败中学习的意愿。
】
13.
"Perfection
may
be
elusive,
but
the
satisfaction
that
comes
from
working
towards
it
is
immeasurable.
"
【完美可能是难以捉摸的,但从追求它中获得的满足是无法衡量的。
】
14.
"Perfection
is
not
about
being
flawless,
it's
about
embracing
the
imperfections
and
striving
to
make
them
better.
"
【完美不是无缺陷,而是接受缺陷并努力让其变得更好。
】
15.
"The
pursuit
of
perfection
is
not
a
burden,
it's
a
privilege
that
allows
us
to
bring
our
best
selves
to
every
situation.
"
【追求完美不是负担,而是一种特权,让我们把最好的自己带到每个情境中。
】
16.
"Perfection
is
not
an
end
in
itself,
but
a
means
to
an
end
–
the
end
being
personal
and
professional
growth.
"
【完美不是自己的终点,而是达到个人和专业成长的手段。
】
17.
"The
pursuit
of
perfection
requires
patience,
perseverance,
and
a
willingness
to
accept
criticism.
"
【追求完美需要耐心、毅力和接受批评的意愿。
】
18.
"Perfection
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
mindset
–
a
mindset
of
constant
improvement
and
never
settling
for
less
than
we
deserve.
"
【完美不是终点,而是一种心态——持续改进的心态,永远不要将就于我们应得的。
】
19.
"The
path
to
perfection
is
not
always
easy,
but
the
rewards
are
well
worth
the
effort.
"
【追求完美的道路并不总是容易,但回报是值得努力的。
】
20.
"Perfection
is
not
a
state
of
being,
it's
a
moving
target
that
requires
us
to
continually
push
ourselves
to
be
better.
"
【完美不是一种存在状态,它是一个不断移动的目标,需要我们不断推动自己变得更好。
】
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