.jpg)
1.
"The
eyes
are
the
windows
to
the
soul.
"】
【
2.
"Love
looks
not
with
the
eyes,
but
with
the
mind.
"】
【
3.
"And
in
her
smile,
see
something
more
beautiful
than
the
stars.
"】
【
4.
"All
the
world's
a
stage,
and
all
the
men
and
women
merely
players.
"】
【
5.
"To
be,
or
not
to
be:
that
is
the
question.
"】
【
6.
"Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow.
"】
【
7.
"There
are
more
things
in
heaven
and
earth,
Horatio,
than
are
dreamt
of
in
your
philosophy.
"】
【
8.
"The
course
of
true
love
never
did
run
smooth.
"】
【
9.
"What's
in
a
name?
That
which
we
call
a
rose
by
any
other
name
would
smell
as
sweet.
"】
【
10.
"I
would
challenge
you
to
a
battle
of
wits,
but
see
you
are
unarmed.
"】
【
11.
"The
very
firstlings
of
my
heart
shall
be
the
firstlings
of
my
hand.
"】
【
12.
"We
know
what
we
are,
but
not
what
we
may
be.
"】
【
13.
"To
thine
own
self
be
true,
and
it
must
follow,
as
the
night
the
day,
thou
canst
not
then
be
false
to
any
man.
"】
【
14.
"We
are
such
stuff
as
dreams
are
made
on,
and
our
little
life
is
rounded
with
a
sleep.
"】
【
15.
"Brevity
is
the
soul
of
wit.
"】
【
16.
"If
music
be
the
food
of
love,
play
on.
"】
【
17.
"Some
are
born
great,
some
achieve
greatness,
and
some
have
greatness
thrust
upon
them.
"】
【
18.
"Cowards
die
many
times
before
their
deaths;
the
valiant
never
taste
of
death
but
once.
"】
【
19.
"To
be
is
to
do.
"】
【
20.
"The
fault,
dear
Brutus,
is
not
in
our
stars,
but
in
ourselves.
"】
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