.jpg)
1.
The
chill
in
the
air
whispered
of
winter's
imminent
arrival.
【冬天的脚步越来越近了。
】
2.
The
frost
on
the
ground
glistened
like
a
thousand
diamonds
in
the
early
morning
light.
【清晨的霜华闪烁着像千颗钻石。
】
3.
Each
breath
took
filled
my
lungs
with
icy
coldness.
【每一口呼吸都让我感到严寒。
】
4.
The
bitter
wind
sliced
through
my
clothing
and
left
a
coldness
that
lingered
in
my
bones.
【寒风不断穿透衣物留下的寒气在我骨头里久久不能散去。
】
5.
The
sound
of
crunching
leaves
beneath
my
boots
was
the
only
noise
in
the
stillness
of
the
winter
morning.
【我的步伐声是这个冬日清晨唯一的声响。
】
6.
The
world
looked
like
a
winter
wonderland,
with
trees
and
the
ground
covered
in
a
thick
blanket
of
snow.
【整个世界像个冬日仙境,树木和地面都覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。
】
7.
The
cold
seeped
into
every
inch
of
my
skin,
leaving
me
feeling
numb
and
tired.
【寒气渗透到我的每一寸肌肤,让我感到麻木而疲惫。
】
8.
The
sight
of
my
breath
forming
a
cloud
in
front
of
me
was
a
constant
reminder
of
the
frigid
temperature.
【看到自己呼出的气息在面前凝结成了一朵云,总是提醒着我这严寒的气温。
】
9.
The
beauty
of
the
winter
landscape
was
in
stark
contrast
to
the
biting
cold
that
permeated
the
air.
【冬日风景的美丽与空气中刺骨寒冷形成强烈对比。
】
10.
The
winter
sun
shone
down
weakly,
barely
able
to
penetrate
the
thick
layer
of
winter
fog
that
hung
in
the
air.
【冬日的阳光灰暗无力,勉强划破空气中的厚重雾气。
】
11.
The
only
warmth
came
from
the
fire
crackling
in
the
fireplace,
the
flickering
flames
creating
an
ever-changing
dance
of
light
and
shadow.
【唯一的温暖来源于壁炉中燃烧的炉火,摇曳的火光在灰暗的房间里跳动。
】
12.
The
icy
wind
whistled
through
the
trees,
a
haunting
melody
that
spoke
of
the
cold
and
desolation
of
winter.
【寒风呼啸着穿过树木,发出一曲凄美的旋律,流露出冬天的寒冷和荒凉。
】
13.
The
sky
was
a
sea
of
gray,
the
clouds
heavy
with
the
weight
of
snow
waiting
to
be
unleashed
upon
the
earth.
【天空灰蒙蒙的,厚重的云层似乎装满了下一场冬雪的重量。
】
14.
The
blanket
on
my
bed
was
warm
and
inviting,
a
sanctuary
from
the
icy
grip
of
the
winter
outside.
【床上的被子温暖令人心驰神往,似乎它是你逃避冬日严寒的避风港。
】
15.
The
world
was
a
frozen
wasteland,
everything
coated
in
a
layer
of
frost
or
snow
as
far
as
the
eye
could
see.
【世界变成了一片冰冷的荒原,无论是地面还是靠近地面的一切都被覆盖上一层霜或雪。
】
16.
The
cold
air
bit
at
my
cheeks,
turning
them
red
and
raw
as
trudged
through
the
snow.
【寒冷的空气刺痛我的面颊,让它们变得又红又痛,而我还在雪地里艰难前行。
】
17.
The
silence
of
the
winter
night
was
only
broken
by
the
sound
of
the
wind
rushing
past
my
ears.
【冬夜的沉默只被风吹过耳边发出的声响打破。
】
18.
The
winter
landscape
was
a
painting
come
to
life,
with
every
tree,
every
rock,
every
blade
of
grass
coated
in
a
layer
of
frost.
【冬季的景色就像一幅活生生的画作,每一株树、每一块石头、每一根草都被覆盖着一层霜。
】
19.
The
warmth
of
the
cup
in
my
hands
was
a
small
comfort
in
the
midst
of
the
bitter
cold.
【手中的杯子带给我一丝温暖,让我在严寒的冬日中有了些许安慰。
】
20.
The
beauty
of
a
winter
sunset
was
a
fleeting
moment,
as
the
light
quickly
faded
into
darkness
and
the
cold
once
again
took
hold.
【冬日的日落美丽却短暂,阳光快速隐没在黑暗之中,冷风也再次占据了霸权。
】
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