.jpg)
1.
The
law
of
karma
always
catches
up
with
those
who
do
wrong
in
the
end.
【报应的法则永远会在最后惩罚做错事的人。
】
2.
It's
not
about
revenge,
it's
about
the
consequences
of
your
actions.
【这不是报复,而是你行为的后果。
】
3.
Be
careful
how
you
treat
others,
because
what
goes
around
comes
around.
【小心你对待别人的方式,因为你所做的会获得同样的回馈。
】
4.
Treat
others
with
kindness,
and
you'll
receive
it
in
return.
【善待他人,你也会得到同样的回报。
】
5.
The
universe
has
a
way
of
evening
the
score.
【宇宙有一种方法来平衡分数。
】
6.
What
you
put
out
into
the
world
will
eventually
come
back
to
you.
【你投射到世界上的东西最终会回到你身上。
】
7.
Your
actions
have
consequences,
whether
good
or
bad.
【你的行为有后果,无论是好是坏。
】
8.
Don't
be
surprised
when
your
negative
actions
have
negative
consequences.
【当你的负面行为有负面后果时,不要感到惊讶。
】
9.
Choose
your
actions
wisely,
for
they
will
determine
your
future.
【明智地选择你的行为,因为它们将决定你的未来。
】
10.
The
ultimate
judge
of
our
actions
is
not
our
peers,
but
the
consequences
that
follow.
【我们行为的最终裁判不是我们的同行,而是随之而来的后果。
】
11.
You
can
run
from
the
consequences
of
your
actions,
but
you
can't
hide
forever.
【你可以逃避你的行为后果,但你不能永远藏着不露。
】
12.
Every
action
has
a
ripple
effect
that
extends
beyond
our
immediate
surroundings.
【每个行为都有一种连锁反应,超出了我们的近期环境。
】
13.
Don't
expect
good
things
to
happen
to
you
if
you're
constantly
doing
wrong.
【如果你经常做错事,不要期望好事会发生在你身上。
】
14.
Good
karma
is
like
a
boomerang
that
always
comes
back
to
you.
【好的因果报应就像一个回旋镖,总会回到你身上。
】
15.
An
eye
for
an
eye
only
leads
to
a
world
full
of
blind
people.
【以眼还眼只会导致一个充满盲人的世界。
】
16.
If
you
want
good
things
to
happen
to
you,
start
by
doing
good
things
for
others.
【如果你想好事会发生在你身上,首先为别人做好事。
】
17.
Bad
actions
breed
bad
consequences,
while
good
actions
breed
good
consequences.
【坏的行为导致坏的后果,而好的行为导致好的后果。
】
18.
Don't
be
surprised
when
the
universe
gives
you
exactly
what
you
deserve.
【当宇宙给你你应得的时候,不要感到惊讶。
】
19.
Everything
we
do
has
a
ripple
effect
that
extends
far
beyond
our
own
lives.
【我们所做的每件事都会有连锁反应,超出了我们自己的生命。
】
20.
The
only
way
to
break
the
cycle
of
negativity
is
through
positive
actions
and
intentions.
【打破消极循环的唯一方法是通过积极的行动和意图。
】
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