.jpg)
1.
"Carpe
diem":
seize
the
day
and
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
【#lifelessons
#inspiration】
2.
"Je
ne
regrette
rien":
regret
nothing.
Live
your
life
without
any
regrets.
【#noregrets
#liveyourlife】
3.
"Hakuna
matata":
don't
worry,
be
happy.
Life
is
too
short
to
be
stressed.
【#positivity
#happyvibes】
4.
"Vive
la
vie":
live
life
to
the
fullest.
Don't
let
anything
hold
you
back.
【#liveyourbestlife
5.
"C'est
la
vie":
that's
life.
Accept
the
ups
and
downs
and
keep
moving
forward.
【#lifelessons
#keepgoing】
6.
"In
vino
veritas":
in
wine
there
is
truth.
Sometimes,
it
takes
a
little
liquid
courage
to
speak
your
mind.
【#truth
#liquidcourage】
7.
"Amor
vincit
omnia":
love
conquers
all.
Love
is
the
strongest
force
in
the
world.
【#poweroflove
#romantic】
8.
"Carpe
noctem":
seize
the
night
and
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
Nighttime
adventures
are
just
as
important
as
daytime
ones.
【#nightlife
#adventures】
9.
"Per
aspera
ad
astra":
through
hardships
to
the
stars.
Overcoming
challenges
is
what
makes
us
stronger.
【#perseverance
#strength】
10.
"Eureka":
have
found
it.
Sometimes,
we
have
a
breakthrough
that
changes
everything.
【#success
#innovation】
11.
"Bella
vita":
beautiful
life.
Life
truly
is
beautiful
when
we
appreciate
the
small
things.
【#gratitude
#appreciation】
12.
"Saudade":
a
deep
emotional
longing
for
someone
or
something
that
is
gone.
Memories
can
be
bittersweet.
【#nostalgia
#missingyou】
13.
"Bon
appétit":
enjoy
your
meal.
Food
is
one
of
life's
greatest
pleasures.
【#foodie
#yum】
14.
"Namaste":
bow
to
the
divine
in
you.
Let's
treat
each
other
with
love
and
compassion.
【#peace
#harmony】
15.
"Hasta
la
vista":
until
we
meet
again.
Goodbyes
are
never
easy,
but
they
are
a
part
of
life.
【#farewell
#goodbye】
16.
"C'est
la
guerre":
that's
war.
Sometimes,
life
is
a
battle.
【#toughtimes
#warrior】
17.
"La
dolce
vita":
the
sweet
life.
Life
is
a
journey
that
should
be
savored.
【#enjoylife
#bucketlist】
18.
"Carpe
diem,
carpe
noctem,
carpe
vitam":
seize
the
day,
seize
the
night,
seize
life.
Don't
waste
a
single
moment.
【#revellinginlife
19.
"In
hoc
signo
vinces":
in
this
sign
you
will
conquer.
Have
faith
in
yourself
and
you
can
conquer
anything.
【#confidence
#belief】
20.
"Quid
pro
quo":
something
for
something.
Life
is
a
give
and
take
and
we
all
have
something
to
offer.
【#reciprocity
#mutualbenefit】
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