.jpg)
1.
"Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit,
it
is
home.
"
-
Gary
Snyder
【骆驼祥子】
2.
"The
forest
is
my
therapist,
my
gym,
and
my
playground.
"
【狼图腾】
3.
"In
every
walk
with
nature,
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
"
-
John
Muir
【茶馆】
4.
"The
forest
is
not
a
resource
for
us,
it
is
life
itself.
"
-
Indigenous
Proverb
【白鹿原】
5.
"The
woods
are
lovely,
dark,
and
deep,
but
have
promises
to
keep,
and
miles
to
go
before
sleep.
"
-
Robert
Frost
【悲惨世界】
6.
"The
forest
makes
me
feel
small
and
insignificant,
yet
connected
to
something
larger
than
myself.
"
【草房子】
7.
"To
be
whole.
To
be
complete.
Wildness
reminds
us
what
it
means
to
be
human,
what
we
are
connected
to
rather
than
what
we
are
separate
from.
"
-
Terry
Tempest
Williams
【红楼梦】
8.
"The
forest
is
a
symphony
of
sounds,
a
chorus
of
life
that
fills
my
soul.
"
【人间正道是沧桑】
9.
"In
the
woods,
we
return
to
reason
and
faith.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【红高粱】
10.
"The
forest
is
where
go
to
lose
my
mind
and
find
my
soul.
"
【围城】
11.
"The
woods
are
my
happy
place,
where
can
disconnect
from
society
and
reconnect
with
myself.
"
【鲁迅全集】
12.
"In
the
forest,
am
free
to
be
myself
without
judgment
or
expectation.
"
【水浒传】
13.
"The
forest
teaches
me
patience,
resilience,
and
adaptability.
It
is
my
greatest
teacher.
"
【西游记】
14.
"The
trees
in
the
forest
have
much
to
teach
us
about
strength,
flexibility,
and
interconnectedness.
"
【三体】
15.
"The
forest
is
where
go
to
find
my
peace,
my
inspiration,
and
my
purpose.
"
【孙子兵法】
16.
"To
walk
in
the
woods
is
to
discover
the
beauty
within
yourself.
"
【红楼梦】
17.
"The
forest
is
a
reminder
that
life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
【围城】
18.
"In
the
forest,
am
just
a
guest,
a
witness
to
the
majesty
and
wonder
of
nature.
"
【鲁滨逊漂流记】
19.
"The
forest
is
not
a
place
of
fear,
but
a
place
of
wonder,
where
feel
alive
and
connected
to
all
living
things.
"
【远大前程】
20.
"The
woods
are
my
cathedral,
where
go
to
pray,
to
meditate,
and
to
give
thanks
for
all
that
have
been
blessed
with.
"
【飘】
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