1.
"The
farther
apart
we
are,
the
stronger
my
love
for
you
grows.
"
【心中有你,便无所谓距离】
2.
"Distance
may
separate
us
physically,
but
our
love
remains
close
in
my
heart.
"
【身体远离,心灵相连】
3.
"I
may
not
be
there
with
you,
but
my
love
for
you
stretches
across
the
miles.
"
【思念绵长,爱意千里】
4.
"Our
love
stands
the
test
of
distance,
and
only
grows
more
beautiful
with
time.
"
【距离锤炼,时间磨砺】
5.
"Though
my
arms
can't
reach
you,
my
heart
always
will.
"
【手牵心连,情系天涯】
6.
"Every
moment
spent
apart
is
worth
it
for
the
moments
we
spend
together.
"
【分离痛苦,相聚甜蜜】
7.
"Distance
may
be
a
challenge,
but
it
only
makes
our
love
all
the
more
meaningful.
"
【距离考验,爱意坚定】
8.
"The
distance
between
us
only
makes
me
love
you
more
fiercely.
"
【距离激励,情感火热】
9.
"The
farther
apart
we
are,
the
more
cherish
every
single
moment
we
have
together.
"
【远离珍贵,相聚难得】
10.
"I
may
not
be
there
with
you
physically,
but
my
heart
is
always
by
your
side.
"
【虽然身不见,心始终相伴】
11.
"Distance
is
just
a
test
of
our
love,
and
know
we'll
pass
with
flying
colors.
"
【距离不是问题,我们必定成功】
12.
"Our
love
is
like
a
flame
that
only
burns
brighter,
no
matter
how
far
apart
we
are.
"
【爱情如火焰,远近皆车百倍】
13.
"The
miles
can't
keep
me
from
loving
you,
it
only
makes
me
appreciate
you
more.
"
【路途虽远,爱意倍增】
14.
"Distance
is
only
temporary,
but
our
love
is
eternal.
"
【距离过去,爱情永恒】
15.
"Our
love
bridges
the
gap
between
us,
no
matter
how
far
apart
we
may
be.
"
【爱意桥梁,跨越千山万水】
16.
"Distance
may
make
things
harder,
but
it
can
never
make
our
love
weaker.
"
【距离考验,爱情坚定】
17.
"I'd
cross
an
ocean
just
to
be
with
you,
because
distance
means
nothing
when
it
comes
to
love.
"
【远隔重洋,我必寻你】
18.
"Our
love
knows
no
bounds,
not
even
distance
can
stop
it.
"
【爱意无界,无论距离】
19.
"Even
though
we're
apart,
can
feel
your
love
surrounding
me
every
day.
"
【虽相离,情相随】
20.
"Distance
can
never
take
away
the
love
have
for
you,
it
only
strengthens
it.
"
【距离不是问题,爱情荡气回肠】
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