.jpg)
1.
Love
is
a
beautiful
flower
that
needs
to
be
nurtured
and
cherished.
When
it
is
squeezed
too
tightly,
it
withers
and
dies.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
2.
Love
is
like
a
balloon.
If
you
squeeze
it
too
much,
it
will
pop
and
be
destroyed
forever.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
3.
relationship
built
on
trust
and
respect
can
withstand
any
amount
of
pressure,
but
when
love
is
squeezed
too
tightly,
it
crumbles.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
4.
The
more
you
try
to
hold
onto
love,
the
more
it
slips
away.
It
cannot
be
forced
or
squeezed
into
existence.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
5.
Love
is
meant
to
be
felt,
not
squeezed.
When
you
try
to
control
it,
you
lose
the
very
essence
of
what
makes
it
so
special.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
6.
When
you
squeeze
love
too
tightly,
it
becomes
suffocating
and
unbearable.
It
is
better
to
let
it
go
than
to
hold
onto
something
that
is
hurting
you.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
7.
heart
that
is
constantly
squeezed
and
pressured
cannot
thrive.
Love
needs
room
to
breathe
and
grow.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
8.
Love
is
like
a
delicate
flower
that
needs
gentle
care.
When
it
is
squeezed
too
tightly,
it
wilts
and
dies.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
9.
The
strongest
love
is
one
that
can
withstand
the
pressures
of
life
without
being
squeezed
to
death.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
10.
Squeezing
love
into
a
tight
grip
may
make
you
feel
in
control,
but
it
also
suffocates
the
very
thing
you
are
trying
to
hold
onto.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
11.
Love
is
a
precious
commodity
that
should
be
treasured
and
protected,
not
squeezed
and
manipulated.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
12.
When
love
is
squeezed
too
tightly,
it
becomes
distorted
and
unrecognizable.
It
is
better
to
let
it
flow
freely
than
to
smother
it
with
pressure.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
13.
Love
cannot
be
squeezed
into
a
neat
little
box
and
brought
out
for
display
only
when
it
is
convenient.
It
is
a
living,
breathing
entity
that
must
be
allowed
to
grow
and
evolve.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
14.
When
love
is
squeezed
too
tightly,
the
beauty
and
magic
of
it
are
lost.
It
becomes
a
chore
instead
of
a
joy,
a
burden
instead
of
a
blessing.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
15.
Sometimes
the
greatest
act
of
love
is
to
let
go.
When
you
squeeze
something
too
tightly,
you
risk
losing
it
forever.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
16.
When
you
squeeze
love
too
tightly,
you
may
think
that
you
are
holding
onto
it,
but
in
reality,
you
are
strangling
it.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
17.
Love
is
not
a
possession
to
be
squeezed
out
of
existence.
It
is
an
emotion
that
must
be
nurtured
and
allowed
to
flourish.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
18.
surefire
way
to
kill
love
is
to
squeeze
it
too
tightly.
It
may
be
uncomfortable
to
let
go,
but
it
is
necessary
for
survival.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
19.
Love
is
like
water.
When
you
try
to
squeeze
it,
it
slips
through
your
fingers
and
disappears.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
20.
When
love
is
squeezed
too
tightly,
it
loses
its
sparkle
and
shine.
It
becomes
dull
and
lifeless,
and
eventually
fades
away.
【挤压英文短句爱情语录伤感】
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