1.
"A
true
king
leads
with
kindness
and
compassion,
not
just
strength
and
power.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
2.
"Gentleness
is
not
weakness,
it
is
the
mark
of
a
true
champion.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
3.
"The
greatest
strength
one
can
possess
is
the
ability
to
show
kindness
in
all
circumstances.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
4.
"In
a
world
full
of
chaos
and
competition,
a
gentle
heart
stands
out
like
a
shining
beacon.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
5.
"A
gentle
touch
can
heal
wounds
that
no
medicine
can.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
6.
"To
be
truly
great,
one
must
not
only
conquer
their
enemies
but
also
conquer
their
own
harshness.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
7.
"Kindness
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness;
it
is
a
sign
of
courage.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
8.
"A
true
leader
inspires
others
with
their
gentle
touch
and
not
just
their
authority.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
9.
"To
be
gentle
is
to
be
strong,
for
it
takes
great
strength
to
overcome
one's
own
ego.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
10.
"The
mark
of
a
true
champion
is
not
how
they
win
but
how
they
treat
their
defeated
opponents.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
11.
"In
a
world
that
values
power
above
everything
else,
it
takes
a
true
hero
to
choose
gentleness.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
12.
"Words
spoken
with
kindness
carry
more
weight
than
words
spoken
with
anger.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
13.
"The
gentle
warrior
is
more
feared
than
the
violent
one,
for
they
possess
a
strength
that
cannot
be
shaken.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
14.
"A
true
king
values
the
well-being
of
their
people
over
their
own
ambition.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
15.
"Leadership
is
not
about
being
in
charge;
it
is
about
serving
those
under
your
care.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
16.
"In
the
face
of
adversity,
a
kind
heart
remains
steadfast.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
17.
"The
greatest
battles
are
not
fought
on
the
battlefield,
but
in
the
heart.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
18.
"The
world
could
use
more
kindness
and
less
aggression.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
19.
"Gentleness
is
a
weapon
that
can
defeat
even
the
most
vicious
foe.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
20.
"A
gentle
leader
inspires
loyalty
from
their
followers,
not
just
obedience.
"
【温柔】
【王者】
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