.jpg)
1.
"Friendship
is
the
golden
thread
that
ties
the
heart
of
all
the
world.
"
-
John
Evelyn
【友谊是将全世界人们的心连结在一起的金色纽带。
】
2.
"The
language
of
friendship
is
not
words
but
meanings.
"
-
Henry
David
Thoreau
【友谊的语言不是言辞,而是真正的理解。
】
3.
"A
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future,
and
accepts
you
just
the
way
you
are.
"
-
Unknown
【朋友是那个懂得你过去,相信你未来,接纳你现在的人。
】
4.
"True
friends
are
like
diamonds
-
bright,
beautiful,
valuable,
and
always
in
style.
"
-
Nicole
Richie
【真正的朋友就像钻石一样,闪耀、美丽、有价值,且永远不会过时。
】
5.
"A
true
friend
is
one
who
overlooks
your
failures
and
tolerates
your
success!"
-
Doug
Larson
【真正的朋友是那个不在意你的失败,支持你的成功!
】
6.
"The
most
beautiful
discovery
true
friends
make
is
that
they
can
grow
separately
without
growing
apart.
"
-
Elisabeth
Foley
【真正的朋友最美好的发现就是,即使一起生长的经历变得不同,他们依然相互连结。
】
7.
"Friendship
is
not
about
whom
you
have
known
the
longest.
.
.
It's
about
who
came,
and
never
left
your
side.
"
-
Unknown
【友谊不是和谁相识的时间最长.
.
.
而是和谁始终不离不弃的在你身旁。
】
8.
"In
prosperity
our
friends
know
us;
in
adversity
we
know
our
friends.
"
-
John
Churton
Collins
【在顺境之时,我们认识了我们的朋友;在逆境之时,我们了解了我们的朋友。
】
9.
"A
single
rose
can
be
my
garden.
.
.
a
single
friend,
my
world.
"
-
Leo
Buscaglia
【一朵玫瑰可以成为我的庭院.
.
.
一个朋友可以成为我的世界。
】
10.
"Friendship
is
the
source
of
the
greatest
pleasures,
and
without
friends
even
the
most
agreeable
pursuits
become
tedious.
"
-
Thomas
Aquinas
【友谊是最大乐趣的源泉,没有朋友即使是最愉快的聚会也会变得枯燥乏味。
】
11.
"The
most
basic
and
powerful
way
to
connect
to
another
person
is
to
listen.
Just
listen.
Perhaps
the
most
important
thing
we
ever
give
each
other
is
our
attention.
"
-
Rachel
Naomi
Remen
【联系另一个人最基本和最有力的方式是倾听。
仅仅倾听。
也许我们彼此赠与最重要的是关注。
】
12.
"True
friendship
comes
when
the
silence
between
two
people
is
comfortable.
"
-
David
Tyson
Gentry
【真正的友谊是当两个人之间的沉默变得舒适时建立起来的。
】
13.
"The
only
way
to
have
a
friend
is
to
be
one.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【唯一的交友之道就是要成为友人。
】
14.
"A
real
friend
is
one
who
walks
in
when
the
rest
of
the
world
walks
out.
"
-
Walter
Winchell
【真正的朋友就是那个在其他人都不在身边的时候走进来的人。
】
15.
"Friendship
is
the
inexpressible
comfort
of
feeling
safe
with
a
person,
having
neither
to
weigh
thoughts
nor
measure
words.
"
-
George
Eliot
【友谊是在其他人面前无需思考言辞,只需感到相互安全的无法表达的舒适感觉。
】
16.
"A
loyal
friend
laughs
at
your
jokes
when
they're
not
so
good,
and
sympathizes
with
your
problems
when
they're
not
so
bad.
"
-
Arnold
H.
Glasow
【一位忠诚的朋友在你的笑话不太好笑时仍然为你开心,也在你的问题并不严重时与你共鸣。
】
17.
"A
true
friend
is
the
one
who
comes
in
when
the
whole
world
has
gone
out.
"
-
Grace
Pulpit
【真正的朋友就是在全世界都离开你的时候走进来的人。
】
18.
"Friendship
is
born
at
that
moment
when
one
person
says
to
another:
'What!
You
too?
thought
was
the
only
one.
"
-
C.
S.
Lewis
【友谊始于这样的时刻:当一个人对另一个人说:“什么!
你也是?我原以为只有我一个人”。
】
19.
"Friendship
marks
a
life
even
more
deeply
than
love.
Love
risks
degenerating
into
obsession,
friendship
is
never
anything
but
sharing.
"
-
Elie
Wiesel
【友谊比爱更深刻地标记着我们的生命。
爱会变成痴迷,而友谊永远只是分享。
】
20.
"A
friend
is
one
who
knows
you
and
loves
you
just
the
same.
"
-
Elbert
Hubbard
【朋友就是那个即使了解你的一切仍然爱你的人。
】
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