.jpg)
1.
"Gratitude
unlocks
the
fullness
of
life.
It
turns
what
we
have
into
enough,
and
more.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【Gratitude】
2.
"Happiness
is
not
having
what
you
want,
but
being
thankful
for
what
you
have.
"
-
Unknown
【Happiness】
3.
"In
all
things,
give
thanks.
"
-
Unknown
【Thankfulness】
4.
"Gratitude
is
the
healthiest
of
all
human
emotions.
The
more
you
express
gratitude
for
what
you
have,
the
more
likely
you
will
have
even
more
to
express
gratitude
for.
"
-
Zig
Ziglar
【Gratitude】
5.
"Thankfulness
is
the
beginning
of
gratitude.
Gratitude
is
the
completion
of
thankfulness.
Thankfulness
may
consist
merely
of
words.
Gratitude
is
shown
in
acts.
"
-
Henri
Frederic
Amiel
【Thankfulness】
6.
"What
if
today
we
were
just
grateful
for
everything?"
-
Unknown
【Grateful】
7.
"Do
not
spoil
what
you
have
by
desiring
what
you
have
not;
remember
that
what
you
now
have
was
once
among
the
things
you
only
hoped
for.
"
-
Epicurus
【Gratitude】
8.
"Gratitude
makes
sense
of
our
past,
brings
peace
for
today,
and
creates
a
vision
for
tomorrow.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【Gratitude】
9.
"Everyday
may
not
be
good,
but
there
is
something
good
in
every
day.
"
-
Unknown
【Grateful】
10.
"Gratitude
can
transform
common
days
into
thanksgivings,
turn
routine
jobs
into
joy,
and
change
ordinary
opportunities
into
blessings.
"
-
William
Arthur
Ward
【Gratitude】
11.
"When
started
counting
my
blessings,
my
whole
life
turned
around.
"
-
Willie
Nelson
【Blessings】
12.
"Gratitude
is
the
fairest
blossom
which
springs
from
the
soul.
"
-
Henry
Ward
Beecher
【Gratitude】
13.
"Appreciation
is
a
wonderful
thing.
It
makes
what
is
excellent
in
others
belong
to
us
as
well.
"
-
Voltaire
【Appreciation】
14.
"Be
thankful
for
what
you
have;
you'll
end
up
having
more.
If
you
concentrate
on
what
you
don't
have,
you
will
never,
ever
have
enough.
"
-
Oprah
Winfrey
【Thankfulness】
15.
"The
more
you
thank
life,
the
more
life
gives
you
to
be
thankful
for.
"
-
Unknown
【Thankful】
16.
"Gratitude
is
a
powerful
catalyst
for
happiness.
It’s
the
spark
that
lights
a
fire
of
joy
in
your
soul.
"
-
Amy
Collette
【Gratitude】
17.
"Gratitude
is
not
only
the
greatest
of
virtues,
but
the
parent
of
all
the
others.
"
-
Cicero
【Gratitude】
18.
"Gratitude
is
one
of
the
sweet
shortcuts
to
finding
peace
of
mind
and
happiness
inside.
No
matter
what
is
going
on
outside
of
us,
there's
always
something
we
could
be
grateful
for.
"
-
Barry
Neil
Kaufman
【Gratitude】
19.
"When
you
are
grateful,
fear
disappears
and
abundance
appears.
"
-
Tony
Robbins
【Abundance】
20.
"Gratitude
is
the
memory
of
the
heart.
"
-
Unknown
【Gratitude】
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