.jpg)
1.
"Home
is
where
the
heart
is.
"
As
a
sea
turtle,
found
my
heart
in
both
the
wild
ocean
and
the
bustle
of
city
life.
[海归出走]
2.
"我曾以为我是流浪,原来我是一路向北。
"
十年海归路,放下了浮华得到了心灵的满足。
[返乡记]
3.
"The
world
is
a
book
and
those
who
do
not
travel
read
only
one
page.
"
am
grateful
for
the
opportunity
to
have
read
many
pages
and
written
my
own
story
as
a
sea
turtle
abroad.
[浪漫海归]
4.
"发自内心的微笑是心灵的归属。
"
在异国他乡生活的过程中,我学会了享受孤独,拥抱独立,展现真实,保持微笑。
[小城故事]
5.
"Every
exit
is
an
entry
somewhere
else.
"
Being
a
sea
turtle
has
allowed
me
to
exit
the
familiar
and
enter
into
new
and
exciting
opportunities
that
have
shaped
who
am
today.
[新天地]
6.
"Not
all
classrooms
have
four
walls.
"
As
a
sea
turtle,
have
learned
that
the
world
is
my
classroom
and
every
experience
is
a
lesson.
[生活不止眼前的苟且]
7.
"The
world
is
full
of
magic
things,
patiently
waiting
for
our
senses
to
grow
sharper.
"
have
been
blessed
to
witness
the
magic
of
the
world
both
near
and
far
as
a
sea
turtle
who
is
always
seeking
adventure.
[行走的生命诗]
8.
"Traveling
–
it
leaves
you
speechless,
then
turns
you
into
a
storyteller.
"
All
my
travels
as
a
sea
turtle
have
given
me
countless
stories
to
share
and
memories
to
treasure.
[旅途中的美好]
9.
"I'm
not
lost,
I'm
exploring.
"
As
a
sea
turtle,
have
come
to
embrace
the
unknown
and
to
see
exploration
as
a
gift
and
an
opportunity
for
growth.
[无法停止的欲望]
10.
"Home
is
where
your
story
begins.
"
As
a
sea
turtle,
my
story
has
taken
me
all
around
the
world
but
am
always
grateful
for
the
memories
and
lessons
have
taken
with
me
on
the
journey
back
home.
[故乡人]
11.
"Life
is
either
a
daring
adventure
or
nothing
at
all.
"
have
chosen
to
embrace
a
daring
adventure
as
a
sea
turtle
abroad
and
it
has
made
all
the
difference
in
my
journey.
[奇妙冒险]
12.
"Twenty
years
from
now
you
will
be
more
disappointed
by
the
things
you
didn't
do
than
by
the
ones
you
did
do.
"
will
never
be
disappointed
in
the
adventures
took
while
was
a
sea
turtle
who
lived
life
with
gusto.
[人生若如初见]
13.
"It's
not
about
the
destination,
it's
about
the
journey.
"
As
a
sea
turtle
who
has
traveled
often,
have
learned
that
the
journey
leads
to
amazing
destinations
but
also
amazing
personal
growth.
[行走的故事]
14.
"Two
roads
diverged
in
a
wood,
and
–
took
the
one
less
traveled
by,
and
that
has
made
all
the
difference.
"
Being
a
sea
turtle
who
took
the
road
less
traveled
has
allowed
me
to
live
life
on
my
own
terms
and
build
a
unique
story.
[单身旅行记]
15.
"Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
As
a
sea
turtle
abroad,
have
learned
to
appreciate
every
moment
and
every
experience
as
part
of
a
larger
journey.
[故乡的孩子]
16.
"Adventure
is
out
there.
"
have
embraced
adventure
with
open
arms
as
a
sea
turtle
who
has
sought
to
explore
the
world
beyond
my
comfort
zone.
[一个人的世界]
17.
"Travel
far,
travel
wide,
but
never
lose
sight
of
who
you
are.
"
Being
a
sea
turtle
abroad
has
taught
me
to
stay
true
to
myself
while
embracing
new
experiences
and
cultures.
[成长的追溯]
18.
"The
best
way
to
find
yourself
is
to
lose
yourself
in
the
service
of
others.
"
As
a
sea
turtle,
have
found
that
dedicating
my
time
and
skills
to
helping
others
has
been
a
transformative
and
rewarding
experience.
[志愿之旅]
19.
"The
world
is
too
big
to
stay
in
one
place
and
life
is
too
short
to
do
just
one
thing.
"
As
a
sea
turtle,
have
made
it
a
priority
to
live
life
to
the
fullest
and
explore
all
that
the
world
has
to
offer.
[生活无国界]
20.
"Life's
greatest
adventure
is
finding
your
place
in
the
world.
"
As
a
sea
turtle
abroad,
have
found
my
place
in
the
world
by
embracing
new
experiences
and
challenging
myself.
[自在海角]
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