.jpg)
1.
"Sorry,
I'm
not
comfortable
sharing
my
personal
life
on
social
media.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
2.
"I
prefer
to
keep
some
things
private.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
3.
"I
don't
want
everyone
knowing
my
business.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
4.
"I
don't
want
to
attract
unnecessary
attention.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
5.
"I
value
my
privacy
too
much
to
post
that.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
6.
"I
don't
want
to
make
anyone
feel
left
out.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
7.
"I
don't
want
to
contribute
to
the
comparison
culture
on
social
media.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
8.
"I
don't
need
social
media
validation
to
feel
good
about
myself.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
9.
"My
personal
life
is
not
for
public
consumption.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
10.
"I
prefer
to
share
my
life
with
those
closest
to
me
in
person,
not
through
a
screen.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
11.
"I
don't
feel
comfortable
sharing
that
with
everyone.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
12.
"I
don't
want
to
expose
my
vulnerabilities
to
the
world.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
13.
"I
don't
want
to
invite
unnecessary
drama
into
my
life.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
14.
"I
prefer
to
keep
some
things
sacred.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
15.
"I
don't
want
my
social
media
to
be
a
highlight
reel
of
my
life.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
16.
"I
don't
want
to
risk
my
safety
by
sharing
too
much.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
17.
"I
don't
want
my
personal
life
to
impact
my
professional
life.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
18.
"I
don't
want
to
contribute
to
the
endless
scroll
of
meaningless
content
on
social
media.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
19.
"I
don't
want
to
feel
pressure
to
constantly
post
to
keep
up
with
others.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
20.
"I
don't
want
my
life
to
be
defined
by
what
post
online.
"
【拒绝在朋友圈发】
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