.jpg)
1.
true
friend
is
someone
who
listens
to
your
heart,
no
matter
how
broken
it
may
be.
【知己如你,守护一个心灵的摇篮】
2.
Love
may
hurt
at
times,
but
true
love
always
finds
a
way
to
heal
our
wounds.
【爱情之痛或有,真爱多幸运、多无悔】
3.
When
life
throws
punches
at
you,
it's
nice
to
know
you
have
a
friend
to
catch
you
when
you
fall.
【不管多少坎坷路,有你相伴还是妙】
4.
Sometimes
the
person
we
need
most
is
the
one
we
least
expect
to
be
there
for
us,
our
true
soulmate
and
confidante.
【心有灵犀的你,我多想与你一起行走】
5.
There
are
no
guarantees
in
life,
but
having
a
true
friend
by
your
side
can
make
all
the
difference
in
the
world.
【人生多变幻,有你相伴只是一种幸运】
6.
Love
is
a
bittersweet
symphony,
but
with
the
right
person,
it
can
be
a
beautiful
masterpiece.
【爱是一曲华丽的交响乐,而你是这曲乐器的灵魂】
7.
Pain
may
last
a
while,
but
love
can
last
a
lifetime
when
shared
with
someone
who
truly
understands
and
cares.
【痛苦难持久,真爱却始终不变】
8.
To
have
a
friend
is
to
have
a
piece
of
your
heart
walking
around
in
someone
else's
body.
【朋友如心,相互扶持,彼此生命中不可缺少】
9.
Love
and
friendship
are
two
sides
of
the
same
coin,
both
valuable
and
necessary
for
a
happy
life.
【两种情感,一种生命,珍藏相互,让生活更美好】
10.
When
words
fail
us,
a
true
friend
can
still
hear
our
unspoken
thoughts
and
comfort
us
with
their
presence.
【言辞难表,你却能听懂我的心声】
11.
Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
who
completes
you,
but
someone
who
accepts
you
for
all
that
you
are.
【爱不是完美,而是包容】
12.
true
friend
is
someone
who
knows
all
your
flaws
and
shortcomings,
yet
loves
you
unconditionally
anyway.
【你的缺点,在我眼中多少显得可爱】
13.
Painful
endings
are
just
new
beginnings
in
disguise,
opportunities
for
better
things
to
come
into
our
lives.
【各自生活,在无尽悲伤中看到新的曙光】
14.
Without
friends,
life
would
be
a
long
and
lonely
path,
but
with
friends
by
our
side,
the
journey
becomes
a
joyful
adventure.
【生命本就漫长孤独,有你在便多了份温暖和真诚】
15.
Love
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey
that
we
take
with
someone
we
cherish
for
a
lifetime.
【爱不是拥有,而是一个持续,我们每天一起去经历】
16.
The
most
valuable
things
in
life
cannot
be
bought
with
money,
such
as
love,
friendship,
and
true
happiness.
【金钱买不来的,是生命中最宝贵的财富】
17.
true
friend
is
someone
who
knows
your
darkest
secrets
and
loves
you
anyway,
unconditionally
and
without
judgment.
【你知道我的所有秘密,但仍选择永远不离不弃】
18.
Love
is
not
something
we
find,
but
something
we
create
with
someone
we
trust
and
admire.
【爱情不是寻找,而是与一个值得信赖和尊敬的人共创】
19.
Friends
are
there
for
us
when
the
world
seems
against
us,
a
beacon
of
light
in
times
of
darkness.
【当世界变得陌生,朋友就是我们的指南灯】
20.
Love
is
a
beautiful
journey
that
we
embark
on
with
someone
we
love,
holding
hands
as
we
navigate
life
together.
【爱是一段美丽的旅程,与你手牵手地一起走过】
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