.jpg)
1.
"The
autumn
leaves
remind
us
that
change
can
be
beautiful.
"
【美丽的变化】
2.
"As
the
leaves
turn
red,
let
go
of
the
old
and
embrace
the
new.
"
【放手旧事,拥抱新生】
3.
"In
the
midst
of
change,
the
leaves
teach
us
to
let
our
true
colors
shine.
"
【变革时刻,绽放真实的光芒】
4.
"The
leaves
dancing
in
the
wind
are
a
symbol
of
freedom
and
letting
go.
"
【风中翩跹的叶子,自由与释放的象征】
5.
"The
beauty
of
nature
lies
not
in
the
perfection,
but
in
the
imperfections
like
the
red
leaves
on
the
ground.
"
【大自然美丽之处在于不完美,正如铺满地面的枯叶一样】
6.
"The
red
leaves
may
wither
and
fade,
but
the
memories
of
their
beauty
will
last
forever.
"
【落叶纷纷,依旧永恒美丽】
7.
"The
leaves
falling
from
the
trees
serve
as
a
reminder
that
all
things
must
come
to
an
end.
"
【落叶归根,万物终有一时】
8.
"The
falling
leaves
are
a
gentle
reminder
that
even
the
most
beautiful
things
have
their
time.
"
【温柔的落叶提醒着我们,美好也会逝去】
9.
"The
red
leaves
of
autumn
are
a
reflection
of
how
change
can
bring
out
the
best
in
us.
"
【秋叶变红的同时,也让我们变得更好】
10.
"Fallen
leaves
are
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
a
sign
of
courage
to
let
go
and
start
anew.
"
【凋落的叶子不是软弱的象征,而是释放和重新开始的勇气】
11.
"Just
as
the
leaves
change
color
in
autumn,
so
too
can
we
change
our
outlook
on
life.
"
【就像秋叶变色一样,我们也可以改变对生活的看法】
12.
"The
leaves
may
be
falling,
but
the
tree
still
stands
tall
and
strong.
"
【落叶纷纷,树仍高耸不倒】
13.
"In
the
autumn
breeze,
the
leaves
whisper
secrets
of
the
beauty
hidden
in
impermanence.
"
【秋风中,落叶低语着无常之美的秘密】
14.
"The
red
leaves
are
a
reminder
to
slow
down,
take
a
breath,
and
appreciate
the
beauty
around
us.
"
【红叶提醒我们,减缓脚步,深呼吸,感受身边的美好】
15.
"The
leaves
may
fall
one
by
one,
but
the
cycle
of
life
continues
on.
"
【落叶纷纷,生命轮回不停歇】
16.
"The
falling
leaves
may
mark
the
end
of
summer,
but
they
also
signal
the
beginning
of
something
new.
"
【凋零的叶子标志着夏天的结束,也预示着新生的开始】
17.
"The
redness
of
the
leaves
is
a
reminder
that
even
in
the
midst
of
darkness,
there
is
still
beauty
to
be
found.
"
【落叶的红色提醒我们,即使在黑暗中,依然有美丽存在】
18.
"As
the
leaves
fall
to
the
ground,
the
earth
rejoices
in
the
cycle
of
renewal.
"
【叶落归根,大地在更新的轮回中欣喜欢腾】
19.
"The
leaves
may
be
red,
but
it
is
the
golden
moments
we
cherish
most.
"
【红叶难挡珍贵的黄金瞬间】
20.
"The
beauty
of
the
red
leaves
is
fleeting,
but
the
memories
they
leave
behind
are
forever.
"
【红叶美丽瞬间即逝,但留下的记忆却永不消逝】
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