.jpg)
1.
"My
head
is
pounding
harder
than
a
jackhammer.
"
【头疼得就像一架大锤在敲打一样】
2.
"I'm
pretty
sure
my
brain
is
trying
to
escape
through
my
forehead.
"
【我感觉我的脑子想从额头逃跑出去了】
3.
"I
must
have
angered
the
headaches
gods
today.
"
【今天一定得罪了头痛之神】
4.
"I
would
do
anything
to
make
this
pain
go
away.
"
【我愿意做任何事情来消除这种疼痛】
5.
"If
only
could
take
a
vacation
from
this
headache.
"
【如果我能从这个头疼休假就好了】
6.
"This
headache
is
like
a
roommate
who
never
pays
rent.
"
【这种头疼就像一个从未付租金的室友】
7.
"I'm
convinced
that
these
headaches
have
a
personal
vendetta
against
me.
"
【我确信这些头痛对我有私人恩怨】
8.
"I
shouldn't
have
ignored
the
warning
signs
that
led
to
this
headache.
"
【我不应该忽略导致这个头痛的预兆】
9.
"This
headache
is
making
everything
feel
ten
times
worse.
"
【这个头疼让所有的感觉都变得十倍糟糕】
10.
"I'm
pretty
sure
could
have
been
a
superhero
if
not
for
these
headaches.
"
【我想如果没有这些头痛,我可能可以成为一个超级英雄】
11.
"It's
like
there's
a
tiny
construction
crew
inside
my
head.
"
【就像我的头里面有一个小小的建筑工地一样】
12.
"If
only
could
trade
this
headache
for
a
million
dollars.
"
【如果我能用这个头疼来换一百万美元就好了】
13.
"This
headache
is
a
reminder
that
our
bodies
demand
rest
and
relaxation.
"
【这个头疼提醒我们的身体需要休息和放松】
14.
"I'm
pretty
sure
this
headache
just
ruined
my
entire
week.
"
【我觉得这个头疼就毁了我的整个一周】
15.
"When
you've
had
a
headache
for
so
long,
it
starts
to
feel
like
a
normal
part
of
life.
"
【当你头疼太久时,它开始感觉像生活中的正常一部分】
16.
"I
wonder
what
kind
of
headaches
aliens
get
on
their
planet?"
【我想知道外星人在他们的星球上会得什么种类的头痛?】
17.
"This
headache
is
like
the
soundtrack
to
my
misery.
"
【这个头疼就像我的苦难的配乐】
18.
"I
would
give
up
caffeine
for
life
if
it
meant
no
more
headaches.
"
【如果不再有头痛,我会终身放弃咖啡因】
19.
"I'm
pretty
sure
my
headache
is
mocking
me.
"
【我想我的头疼在嘲笑我】
20.
"I
never
realized
how
much
appreciate
a
pain-free
head
until
now.
"
【我从来没有意识到我有多么珍惜一个没有疼痛的头部,直到现在为止】
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