.jpg)
1.
"We
come
together
tonight
to
celebrate
the
greatness
of
our
teachers,
and
to
raise
a
glass
to
their
infinite
wisdom
and
guidance.
"
【感恩师恩】
2.
"A
teacher
ignites
the
spark
of
knowledge
in
a
student's
mind,
and
the
light
of
that
flame
shines
on
forever.
"
【点燃智慧之火】
3.
"A
teacher's
influence
extends
far
beyond
the
classroom,
shaping
the
lives
of
their
students
and
the
future
of
our
society.
"
【导航人生】
4.
"Teaching
is
not
a
profession,
it's
a
vocation.
calling
to
make
a
difference
in
the
lives
of
others.
"
【不仅仅是职业】
5.
"The
bond
between
a
teacher
and
student
is
unbreakable.
They
inspire,
encourage,
and
challenge
each
other
to
reach
their
full
potential.
"
【师生情深】
6.
"A
good
teacher
is
like
a
lighthouse
in
a
stormy
sea,
guiding
their
students
to
safety
and
success.
"
【指引前行】
7.
"Teaching
is
the
ultimate
act
of
generosity.
To
give
knowledge,
wisdom,
and
inspiration
to
others
is
a
truly
selfless
act.
"
【慷慨赠教】
8.
"The
teacher
who
is
indeed
wise
does
not
bid
you
to
enter
the
house
of
knowledge
but
rather
leads
you
to
the
threshold
of
your
mind.
"
【启发智慧】
9.
"The
best
teachers
are
those
who
show
you
where
to
look,
but
don't
tell
you
what
to
see.
"
【引领发现】
10.
"There
is
no
greater
reward
for
a
teacher
than
seeing
their
students
succeed
and
become
great
leaders
in
their
own
right.
"
【圆满收官】
11.
"To
educate
a
person
in
mind
and
not
in
morals
is
to
educate
a
menace
to
society.
"
【德智体全面发展】
12.
"The
mind
is
not
a
vessel
to
be
filled,
but
a
fire
to
be
kindled.
"
【点亮兴趣】
13.
"The
greatest
gift
a
teacher
can
give
their
students
is
a
love
of
learning.
"
【挑战好奇心】
14.
"Beneath
every
great
achievement
lies
a
teacher's
belief
in
their
student's
potential.
"
【发现潜力】
15.
"The
teacher
who
is
able
to
inspire
their
pupils
to
think
for
themselves,
to
take
risks,
to
be
independent,
is
the
one
who
truly
succeeds.
"
【提升思维能力】
16.
"Education
is
not
the
filling
of
a
pail,
but
the
lighting
of
a
fire.
"
【点燃激情】
17.
"A
good
teacher
is
a
master
of
simplification,
and
an
enemy
of
complication.
"
【化繁为简】
18.
"The
art
of
teaching
is
the
art
of
assisting
discovery.
"
【引导发现】
19.
"Teaching
is
a
constant
journey
of
learning
and
growth.
teacher
never
stops
seeking
new
knowledge
and
refining
their
craft.
"
【不断学习】
20.
"The
world
is
a
better
place
because
of
teachers
who
inspire
their
students
to
become
the
best
versions
of
themselves.
"
【共同建设美好未来】
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